
Transferring to the four-year 大学 can stressful, but 不 for long! 下面是 按月组织的步骤列表. Since this is for Winter or Spring admission, please 不e that 不 all the Cal States 或者UCs是开放的.

随时了解最新情况,报名参加不评分的课程 转移帆布 for access to transfer information, get announcements of important deadlines, and 参加活动. 

the following options below, select a month or topic to be taken to the appropriate section!


对加州大学感兴趣的学生: 你有资格参加吗 加州大学的标签? 转学入学保证 is pre-admission to six out of the 9 campuses.  点击上面的链接或查看 the Counselor to see if you are eligible for this free, transfer admission guarantee 机会.  Not all UCs are 开放 for Winter(qtr)/Spring(sem) transfer. 如果你是 符合资格的,必须完成TAG & 加州大学的应用程序.

5月1日- 5月31日st




  • 你有D/F成绩吗?  如果是,使用六月来 和你的CHC顾问见面 to see what you can do about these grades and how they may affect your transfer.
  • Do you have questions about your transfer 去大学?  虚拟见面 a 大学代表. 很容易.  不知道该问什么问题! 点击 在这里 这是一份很棒的问题清单.




7月1日st - 7月31日st

  • 只对加州大学感兴趣的学生开放. 
  • 加州大学的应用程序 开放 7月1日 并关闭  7月31日. Please check the UC website to see what campuses are 开放 for Spring transfer.
  • 看我们的 youtube播放列表 如何填写UC和ucpiq


  • 报名参加一个 UC应用工作坊 和UC PIQs
  • 一定要更新你的 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application that you submitted by March 2 in order to add the potential universities that you applied to. 



8月1日st - 8月31日st

  • 仅限加州感兴趣的学生:
  • 的 加州州立大学(CSU)申请 用于弹簧转移开 8月1日 to 8月31日. Please check the Cal State website to what campuses are 开放 for Spring transfer.
  • 一步一步看 CSU申请视频 


  • 注册一个循序渐进 CSU应用工作坊
  • 一定要更新你的 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application that you submitted to add the universities that you are applying to for transfer.              


Congratulations on submitting your application(s)!

接下来是什么?  是时候报名参加了 我已经申请了,下一步是什么? 车间. Even though you will 不 hear back immediately on whether you have been admitted, make sure to check the email you put in as your email in the application.

的 campuses will contact you through the email you used in the application. 你应该 hear back within a week or two after submitting your application. 这些邮件会 give you access to the portals and your student ID number for the campuses you applied to. 

你没有看到邮件吗? 检查你的垃圾邮件并联系 大学转学中心 and we will help you figure out what to do next! 


Check your CSU portals to see if they are requesting “部分”记录. 这个词 “partial” means that you are still attending that college and have 不 completed your 课程,然而. 但是,如果犯罪现场调查组要求 “部分”记录, you must order them 官方ly through 九州体育平台入口及记录 by selecting “成绩单.” This may apply to AP scores and other colleges attended.


  • If you put AP scores in the application, the 大学 will be asking for these. 你必须直接从 大学委员会 去大学. If you do 不 do this, it could hinder your admission into the 大学. AP scores must also be on file with admissions and records 在Crafton 来申请你的 毕业要求.


  • If you attended any college besides Crafton Hills, you must submit those 成绩单 也去了大学. 成绩单 from other colleges must also be on file with admissions and records to apply these credits toward your 毕业要求 在Crafton. 


报名参加 I've Been Admitted or I've Been Denied, What Now?  车间

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) 开放s 次年10月1日. 以下列方式递交申请: 3月2日 所以你才有资格 加州拨款 除了联邦拨款. 的se grants help to pay for your tuition at four-year 大学,你确实  要还钱吗.



Were you denied admission from the campus you applied to?

  • Most denial emails provide instructions and a link to put in an appeal.
  • If you decide to submit an appeal, most universities give you less than 15 business 这样做的时间. Appeals usually consist of completing an online form and uploading 文档. It is a quick process, but please reach out to the 大学转学中心 as soon as you receive the 不ification so we can help you.


  • 绝对! Both the Cal States and UCs have their applications 开放 until 11月30日.
  • 你可以参加 车间 如需更多帮助,请查看我们的 YouTube 频道,甚至建立了一个 任命 和转学顾问谈谈.
  • You must accept a UC and CSU  by paying for the deposit. 这可以称为语句 of Intent to Register (SIR), Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (ECD), etc. 条款和 押金因校园而异.
  • 与辅导员见面 大学转学中心 or 一般的咨询 if t在这里 were changes to your spring or if you need to take classes in the summer. 不要等到最后! 这可能会影响你的录取.
  • 与某人见面 大学代表 from one of our local schools to see what classes will be accepted and to answer any questions you may have about the campus.

学校有要求吗 最后 成绩单?


You completed your last semester 在Crafton! 干得好! 你快到四年了 大学. Please keep up to date with your emails from the 大学 and if you have any questions or would like any other guidance, do 不 hesitate to reach out to the 大学转学中心 as well as your future 4-year. 祝贺你!